Peach City is an engaging action game set in a vibrant city inhabited by anthropomorphic fruits. Dive into a colorful world filled with challenges and combat in this 3D third-person-shooter.
This is a simple Minesweeper game implemented in Java. The game consists of a 4x4 board where the player must find a treasure while avoiding mines. The game is played on a 4x4 grid.
, and press C:\Users\YourUserName\PathToFolder
(Replace YourUserName
and PathToFolder
with your actual user name and the path to the folder you copied.)
java Minesweeper
Text-based Escape Room game developed in Python. Our team added a feature where the player must input a secret word to unlock a door, increasing the game’s difficulty.
Game Description
Interactive text-based adventure where the player explores rooms, finds keys, and unlocks doors to escape the house.
How to Play
Repository Link
Note: To ensure the code runs correctly, the file
must be placed in a folder named Functions
within your Google Drive.
Author Carlos